Among the many scholarship offers out there, scholarships for children of single parents can be some of the most trying to track down. Whether a child has lost a parent to divorce, death, incarceration, or some other way, this unique population of eager students deserves equal access to quality education as much as anyone else but is often under-represented in the funding world. Helping to bridge that gap, we’ve gathered some of the best offers for this specific group and made all the findings available in one, easy list. Read on for that very list.

1. Ava’s Grace Scholarship


– Have a parent who is or has been incarcerated in a US penitentiary (state or federal).

– Be a permanent resident of Missouri, or the Illinois counties of Bond, Calhoun, Clinton, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Monroe, or St. Clair for at least two years prior to the date of the application.

– Demonstrate significant financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or similar need calculations. Students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) over $15,000 must have significant and extenuating circumstances to be considered.

– Must have achieved a minimum cumulative 2.0 grade point average.

– Plan to attend an accredited, nonprofit college or university.

– Be seeking a first technical, first associate, or first bachelor’s degree.

The Ava’s Grace Scholarship is a fund named in honor of the creators’ daughter and in honor of their own single-parent upbringings. Winners of this generous offer receive up to $5,000 in college funding in addition to a rich lineup of networking opportunities through the Ava’s Grace Foundation. The annual application period for this fund runs from January 15th until April 15th.

2. MaryEllen Locher Scholarship


– Live within a 50-mile radius of Chattanooga, Tennessee.

– Applicants can be current high school seniors or undergraduate students who are already in college.

For those families touched by breast cancer, the MaryEllen Locher Scholarship is a great opportunity to possibly get some valuable college funding assistance. The MaryEllen Locher Scholarship Foundation is the provider of this fund that runs in honor of its founder, MaryEllen Locher who lost her battle with cancer after setting up the organization. Scholarship award amounts and the number of awards vary each year, but winners are welcome to reapply in the year after their win in any case.

3. Postsecondary Education Scholarship Program


– Applicant must be a US resident and have either lost one or both parents to an act of violence.

– Applicant must be a junior or senior in high school.

– Applicant must have been accepted into a postsecondary institution.

Provided as a gracious offer of The Orphan Society of America, the Postsecondary Education Scholarship Program is a college funding opportunity especially for students who have lost one or more parents to violence. Eligible applicants simply must submit a short essay on how they will utilize the funds in order to receive a chance at winning. Those interested in this scholarship opportunity are recommended to contact the organization directly for application due date and reward amount information, as these are often subject to change.

4. Willy the Plumber Scholarship


– Demonstrate financial need.

– Must be a child of a Utah prison inmate.

– Must pass college entrance exams if not coming straight from high school.

– Must immediately enroll in a Utah college.

The Willy the Plumber Scholarship is an offer courtesy of Karl’s Affordable Plumbing and surrounding community contributors in the State of Utah. With this opportunity, winning applicants receive an award of up to $1,000, twice. This is a local favorite and is even supported through six different Utah-based colleges and universities.

5. Vincent Bennett, Jr. Memorial Scholarship


– Demonstrate financial need and a strong academic, personal, and community record.

– Be a freshman who is the child of a law enforcement officer or firefighter who was killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty.

Courtesy of the First Responders Children’s Association, the Vincent Bennett, Jr. Memorial Scholarship honors the memory of the late Vincent Bennett, Jr., an important contributing member of the organization who passed suddenly in 2013. Winners of this funding offer can look forward to a very helpful, $20,000 tuition credit. If you are an all-around exceptional freshman college student with financial need and the child of a fallen or permanently disabled first responder parent, you are welcome to apply.

6. Aretta J. Graham Scholarship


– Be a student who is themselves a single parent or who is otherwise from a single-parent family.

Aretta Graham was a graduate of the College of Agriculture in Home Economics at the University of Illinois, and through her private financing, the Aretta J. Graham Scholarship is facilitated every year. If you are a student who is themselves a single parent or is from a single-parent family, you are exactly at whom this offer is aimed. This scholarship is actually one of many that form the greater ACES educational program of participating Illinois colleges.

7. Anne Marinucci Buscaglia Scholarship


– Be a full-time undergraduate student.

– Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

– Demonstrate financial need.

Another great funding opportunity for single parents or children of single parents specifically comes by way of the annual Anne Marinucci Buscaglia Scholarship award. This offer gives winning applicants a funding credit which varies each year based on organizational funding. The State University of New York in conjunction with the Campus Application Portal For Scholarships is the facilitator. Applicants must apply by the annual May 5th deadline for their chance to win this one.

8. Naomi Scholarship


– Must be entering freshman year in college.

– Must have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.30 or higher or a cumulative college GPA of 3.00 or higher if a transfer student.

– Must have lost a parent through death or divorce. The remaining, living parent must not have remarried. The applicant can also be a student who is themselves a single parent because of the loss of a spouse.

– Must demonstrate financial need.

Mr. Donald and Mrs. Carole Mulder of Palatine, Illinois created the Naomi Scholarship as a deep token of generosity for their experiences at Calvin University. Since that original founding, this scholarship has provided many winning recipients with its established award amount of $1,550 in school funding. February 1st marks the deadline to apply for this easy opportunity.

9. David J. Ewing Scholarship


– Meet the minimum entrance and continuing academic performance standards of an accredited institution of higher education in the United States.

– Enroll as an undergraduate student in one of the degree programs offered by the institution (freshmen and sophomore students may enroll as undecided majors).

– Maintain full-time enrollment, unless during your final semester(s) you have fewer credit hours remaining in your degree program than is required to be full-time.

– Have a deceased parent(s) who died during their working years.

– Satisfy federal dependency requirements with regard to date of birth, marital status, children, and/or dependents.

The David J. Ewing Scholarship is an offer administered by the University of North Texas that was originally set up by employees of PepsiCo in Dallas, Texas. It is in honor of the late David J. Ewing and his mother who both passed after battling cancer. Interested applicants are recommended to inquire further with the scholarship for details on award amounts and application deadlines, as these often change.

10. The Family Scholarship Fund


– Must be the child of a person who passed due to a workplace accident.

– Must be a full-time or part-time student enrolled in a university, community college, or trade/vocational school.

– If enrolled in high school, students must provide proof of university acceptance.

– Must be studying in the United States (citizenship not required).

The Family Scholarship Fund is a great offer provided by the ASSP Foundation, an organization that actually works as the charitable arm of the American Society of Safety Professionals. This opportunity by the group is meant to assist those who lost a parent in a workplace accident of any kind. Exact award amounts can be ascertained by directly contacting the organization at their website listed just above.

11. W.H. “Howie” McClennan Scholarship


– Must be a surviving child of an IAFF member who is also planning to or currently attending college.

The W.H. “Howie” McClennan Scholarship was set up to specifically help in the educational expenses encountered by any surviving children of IAFF members. The IAFF is the International Association of Fire Fighters, an organization built around supporting and bringing together fire-fighting professionals of all kinds. Multiple recipients are awarded the $2,500 prize each year, and more than 400 scholarships totaling $1.3 million have gone out by way of this fund to date.

12. Leukemia Lymphoma Scholarship


– Be a US citizen who has been impacted in some way by leukemia or lymphoma.

– Be a high school senior or a current college student.

As its name might outwardly suggest, the Leukemia Lymphoma Scholarship is a funding opportunity just for students who have been affected personally in some way by leukemia or lymphoma. To date, this scholarship fund has awarded 140 scholarships totaling $575,000 to that very group of the US student population. Application requirements for this opportunity are also helpfully broad aside from the requirement of being so personally touched by one of these terrible diseases.

13. Life Lessons Scholarship Program


– Be a US citizen between 17 and 24 years of age.

– Be the surviving child of a deceased parent or legal guardian.

– Be enrolled or accepted into an accredited US college or university.

Life Happens is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people to become more financially stable through various means including through insurance-specific means. The group’s namesake Life Lessons Scholarship Program is a great opportunity for those students who have lost a parent. February 1st through March 1st marks the annual application period in which those interested must apply for a chance at winning.

14. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants


– Must not be eligible for a Federal Pell Grant on the basis of Expected Family Contribution (EFC), but meet all other criteria.

– Applicant’s parent or guardian must have been a member of the US armed forces that died as a result of military service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11.

– Must have been under 24 years of age or enrolled in college at least part-time at the time of the parent or guardian’s death.

The Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants are an ongoing offer of the US Department of Education for those who have lost a parent or guardian who was an armed services member in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11. Chosen applicants to this award are provided with a very helpful award in an amount to match that of the current year’s Federal Pell Grant. At the time of this writing, that amount is $6,345.

15. JoAnn Heffernan Heisen Scholarship


– Demonstrate past academic merit and current financial need.

– Be an SU student who is from a single-parent household.

The JoAnn Heffernan Heisen Scholarship is one of many funds offered by Syracuse University and the school’s numerous, contributing partners. With this particular funding opportunity, SU students who come from single-parent families and who otherwise qualify can receive varying amounts of tuition coverage. Aside from this great scholarship opportunity, 13 others also await those interested at the university’s scholarship webpage.

16. The Lisa Michelle Memorial Fund


– Applicant must be a surviving child of a parent lost due to alcohol, drug, or prescription drug abuse issues.

– Applicant must be a legal US citizen and enrolled in a college or university located in the United States.

– A 3.0 minimum grade point average is required of all applicants.

For students who have specifically lost a parent to the perils of alcohol, drug, or prescription drug abuse, The Lisa Michelle Memorial Fund is definitely worth a closer look.

17. The Quell Foundation Survivor Scholarship


– Student must have lost a parent, caregiver, or sibling to suicide.

– Student must be accepted into an accredited college or university.

– Student must hold a minimum 3.4 GPA.

The Quell Foundation Survivor Scholarship is a great offer courtesy of The Quell Foundation. This non-profit organization works to aid in the battle against mental illnesses of all kinds and their sometimes devastating effects. With a win of this opportunity, the applying student can look forward to a $1,000 tuition check in addition to extensive contacts and access to events hosted by the organization. March 1st through April 15th marks the annual application period for those interested.

18. The Child of Divorce/Single Parent Household Scholarship


– Must be currently enrolled in a graduate, undergraduate, or law program at an accredited college or university within the United States. High school seniors who are graduating before the deadline and have been accepted to or are enrolled in a degree program are also eligible.

– Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

– Applicants must be able to personally address the scholarship topic pertaining to individuals who are the product of a single parent or divorced household.

The Child of Divorce/Single Parent Household Scholarship is an exclusive offer of Miller Law Group, a private law group operating out of New Rochelle, New York. Meant just to help those students who have dealt with a single-parent upbringing of any align, this funding opportunity gifts winners with a quick and easy $1,000 tuition credit.

19. The Gloria Borges Wunderglo Foundation Scholarship


– Be a graduating high school student who has lost a parent to colorectal cancer.

– Hold a GPA of at least 2.0.

– Applicant must also be accepted into a community college, a four-year college or university, nursing program, or a military or professional trade school.

The WunderGlo Foundation is a charitable organization that focuses on fighting colon cancer and helping to lift up all those affected by it. To that end, the organization’s The Gloria Borges Wunderglo Foundation Scholarship is setup to aid students who have lost a parent to this type of cancer in achieving their college dreams. Three winners are chosen for this opportunity annually, and the award given to each is a $2,000 scholarship.

20. Police Family Survivors Fund


– Be a US citizen who last lost a police officer parent in the line of duty.

Every year, many police officers fall in the line of duty, and the Police Family Survivors Fund is one generosity that is always there for the children of those fallen officers. With this offer, applicants can be chosen to receive an array of college tuition funding. Other offers via the organization help to fund camp opportunities and other, great experiences for those with a fallen officer parent.

21. Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship


– Applicants must be children or non-remarried spouses of active-duty members of the armed forces who died in the line of duty on or after Sept. 11, 2001.

– Applicants must be less than 33 years of age.

The Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship is a highly valuable opportunity affording winning applicants with up to 36 months of fully-paid college. Other, school-related expenses are also covered by this excellent opportunity. The US Department of Veterans Affairs is the administrator of this fund.

22. Encore Scholarship Program


– Be the victim of a drunk-driving accident or the family member of a victim.

– Be currently attending or have been accepted to an accredited college or university.

– Hold a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Many fall victim each year to the devastation imparted by drunk-driving accidents. For those touched by this particular kind of tragic event, the Encore Scholarship Program holds a special place. $1,000 is the amount of the one-time award offered by the sponsor, Encore Protection, and the application deadline for a chance at the prize holds firm at May 31st every year. Hold a 3.0 minimum GPA in addition, and you’ll be eligible.

23. Scholarships for Military Children Program


– Applicant must be planning to attend a college or university on a full-time basis.

– Applicant must be active duty, reserve/guard, or retired military personnel or be the survivor of a deceased member and possess a military dependent ID card.

The Scholarships for Military Children Program is an offer of Fallen Patriots, an organization devoted to the cause of honoring fallen service members of all kinds. With a win of this program’s award, extensive college tuition coverage is the prize. All applicants must be planning to attend college on a full-time basis, however, with no part-time attendance being accepted.

24. Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund


– Applicants must have been born prior to September 30, 2008 to be eligible.

– Applicants must be dependent children, spouses or domestic partners of 9/11 victims, including airplane crew and passengers; World Trade Center and Pentagon workers and visitors; and relief workers, including firefighters, emergency medical personnel, and law enforcement personnel, that were involved in the rescue efforts.

The Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund offers select applicants up to four years of valuable tuition coverage at the college or trade school of their choice. “Subfunds” are also available to certain applicants and cover additional schooling costs not typically covered by the FoF Scholarship. This offer will run until the last surviving children of the chosen age range attend college in the year 2030.

25. Kids Chance Scholarship


– For specific eligibility parameters, applicants must lookup their requirements, per their state of residence, at the official Kids Chance Website.

Kids Chance is a charitable organization that promotes the well-being and academic pursuits of the children of parents who were catastrophically injured in a workplace accident. To date, the generosity of this group’s namesake scholarship fund has distributed over $24,000,000 in scholarship funds at an average per-student disbursal rate of about $4,300. As this offer’s requirements and possible winnings vary per state, potential applicants are encouraged to check with the official website for those important, state-by-state details.

26. The American Legion Legacy Scholarship


– Applicant must be the surviving child of a military member who died while on active duty on or after Sept. 11, 2001.

– Applicant must be a high school senior or one who has recently graduated and planning to pursue college.

The American Legion is an organization known far and wide for its many charitable and patriotic works, and the group’s The American Legion Legacy Scholarship stays true to that very course. Designed for the children of fallen service members who were active during or after the events of 9/11, this fund offers select students up to $20,000 in very helpful tuition aid. Applications must be submitted by the annual April 15th deadline for a chance at this notably valuable award.

27. Macy’s Emergency Scholarship Fund


– Applicant must be the victim of extreme hardship such as the loss of a parent.

– Applicant must be a resident of California, Florida, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, or Texas.

– Applicant must be enrolled full-time at an accredited college or university and in good standing.

– Applicant must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent.

The Macy’s Emergency Scholarship Fund provides single-parent children yet one more opportunity at valuable college tuition coverage. This fund comes via the administration of LULAC, or the League of United Latin American Citizens. $500 is the maximum scholarship award amount here with the actual funds coming from Macy’s, the big-name retail store.

28. Heroes Tribute Scholarship Programs


– Potential applicants are recommended to visit the program website and complete the appropriate registration forms there for further information.

For both those children of fallen service members as well as children of those wounded or ill, the Marine Corps Scholarship Program has a scholarship opportunity. The foundation’s Heroes Tribute Scholarship Programs offer those varying opportunities, each with its own reward amounts and eligibility requirements. Potential applicants can visit the official website at the link above, enter their information in one of the appropriate application forms, and then be contacted for further details on available offers.

29. Children of Divorce Scholarship


– Applicant must be attending their senior year at a Florida high school and planning to fulfill a post-high school education.

– Applicant must reside in a household separated by divorce.

The Children of Divorce Scholarship is a generous provision of the Florida-based law and advocacy group Ayo & Iken. With a win of this particular offer, applicants are awarded a $1,000 scholarship to be used toward their very first year of college. The winners are chosen by the group’s child custody attorneys subsequent to the last applications having been received by the annual May 1st application deadline.

30. Ohio War Orphan & Severely Disabled Veterans’ Children Scholarship


– Applicant must be an Ohio resident and enrolled for full-time undergraduate study and pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree at an eligible Ohio college or university.

– Applicant must apply between the ages of 16 and 25.

As its name suggests, the Ohio War Orphan & Severely Disabled Veterans’ Children Scholarship is an offer set up to assist those affected by service-related disability. While in times past the award was of an indefinite amount, as of this writing, it has been announced that all winners will receive either a 100-percent paid tuition or $7,044 per academic year. These amounts solely depend on if the student’s school of attendance is a public or private university.

Anyone currently attending college or who is otherwise aspiring to should check out the possible funding options available to them through today’s best scholarships and grants. There are many options out there, and keeping track of them all is as easy as visiting this site regularly for updates. The above-mentioned, 30 scholarships for children of single parents represent some of the top options available to this particular group of learners right now.

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