<h3>50 Great Nursing Scholarships</h3> While people are concerned about finding jobs with rising unemployment rates, the nursing industry is concerned that they will not have enough nurses to fill all the positions and meet the demand. It is estimated by the U.S. Labor Department that between 2010 and 2020, 712,000 new nursing jobs will become available. Many factors are contributing to the rising demand for nurses, one of which is the 2-3 million baby boomers who will be joining Medicare each year over the next 30 years. The Affordable Care Act is also impacting that number, as it is estimated to increase the amount of people who are covered by insurance and therefore require more nurses to help them. There is no question, nursing is career path that is reliable and rewarding. However, nursing school can be expensive. Thankfully, there are many scholarships that exist to help nurses pay for schooling and thus, get them into the field where they are much needed. We have compiled this collection of 50 scholarships for nurses, which are not specific to any school, and can help nursing students find the financial assistance they need. Here are 50 of the best! <h3>1. Tylenol Future Care Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is worth $5,000 to $10,000 and it is given to applicants who are going to pursue a career within healthcare. The scholarship is open to anyone who has completed one year of undergraduate or graduate study in the current semester. Scholarships are awarded to applicants who show leadership qualities, outstanding academic performance and community involvement. The deadline is June 15 and 40 grants are provided (10 $10,000 scholarships and 30 $5,000 scholarships). For more information, visit: <a href="https://www.nursingeconomics.net/cgi-bin/WebObjects/NECJournal.woa/wa/viewSection?s_id=1073744462" target="_blank">Tylenol Future Care Scholarship link</a> <h3>2. Nursing Economic$ Foundation Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is open to registered nurses who are matriculating into an accredited, degree granting program for a master’s or doctoral degree, with an emphasis on administration and/or management. In order to qualify, applicants must continue in the field of nursing. The deadline for this scholarship is May 31 and the total scholarship is worth $5,000. In total, four scholarships are provided through this program to nurses each year. To learn more, you can visit: <a href="https://www.nursingeconomics.net/cgi-bin/WebObjects/NECJournal.woa/wa/viewSection?s_id=1073744462" target="_blank">Nursing Economic$ Scholarship Link</a> <h3>3. Outlaw Studentís Nursing School Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is open to students who are looking to pursue a post-secondary education within the field of nursing. It is a very easy scholarship to apply for, and there are many who file for it due to its popularity. The deadline is July 14 and the average award is roughly $500. To learn more about this program, you can visit: <a href="http://www.outlawstudent.com/college-scholarships/nursing-scholarships/" target="_blank">Outlaw Student's Nursing School Scholarship Link</a> <h3>4. A Nurse I Am Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is for any student who has enrolled, or been accepted for enrollment, so they can pursue a registered nursing degree. The enrollment can be full or part time, and to qualify, the student must be a US citizen or a legal resident. The nursing program must also be located within the 50 U.S. states. In order to apply, students must watch a documentary and write an essay that address two given questions. This scholarship does take a lot of time and effort. The deadline for this program scholarship is March 1, and the average award is $2,000. In all, 10 scholarships are typically awarded to students. To learn more about this scholarship, you can visit: <a href="http://www.anurseiam.com/" target="_blank">A Nurse I Am Scholarship Link</a> <h3>5. NURSE Corps Scholarship Program</h3> Administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources, this scholarship is for anyone enrolled in a nursing degree program at a school of nursing within the United States. Students must begin classes no later than Sept. 30, have no judgement liens against them and be free of service commitments. They cannot be delinquent on any federal debt and must also be US citizens or lawful residents. Scholarship recipients also have to work for two years at an eligible Critical Shortage Facility upon graduation. Those who have the greatest need for financial aid are given preference. The scholarship takes a lot of time to apply for, and it is highly popular. The award amount varies greatly and the deadline is May 2. 264 scholarships are awarded each year. To learn more about this scholarship, visit: <a href="http://www.hrsa.gov/loanscholarships/scholarships/nursing/" target="_blank">NURSE Corps Scholarship Program Link</a> <h3>6. ExceptionalNurse.com College Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is for nursing majors who have a disability. In order to qualify, applicants must be in a college program on a full-time basis, and must demonstrate excellence and a serious commitment to the study of nursing. Preference is typically given to anyone in an undergraduate program. The scholarship process involves writing an essay and the amount of students who apply for this scholarship is just average. The deadline is June 1, with the average amount awarded being $250 to $500. In total, eight scholarships are awarded each year. To learn more about this program visit: <a href="http://exceptionalnurse.com/scholarship.php" target="_blank">ExceptionalNurse.com College Scholarship Link</a> <h3>7. Lambda Pi Alpha Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is awarded for any African American undergraduate nursing majors who are going into the junior or their senior year. Applicants must demonstrate a financial need, and they must have a 3.0 GPA. This scholarship application will take about an hour to do, and there is an average number of applicants for it. The deadline for the scholarship is April 1 and the average award for the scholarship is about $1,500. To learn more about this scholarship, visit: <a href="http://lambdapialpha.org/scholarship-information.html" target="_blank">Lambda Pi Alpha Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship Link</a> <h3>8. Tafford Uniforms Nursing Scholarship Program</h3> This scholarship is for any student enrolled in a nursing school within the United States. The student must be enrolled in a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science or Licensed Practical Nurse program in the school and have a least a 2.5 GPA. The scholarship application takes about an hour to do, and there is a high number of people who apply for it. The deadline for the scholarship is June 15, and the average amount awarded is $1,000. In all, two grants are typically issued. To learn more about this program, visit: <a href="http://www.tafford.com/scholarship" target="_blank">Tafford Uniforms Nursing Scholarship Program Link</a> <h3>9. Medical Professionals of Tomorrow Scholarship</h3> This scholarship, administrated by U.S. Medical Supplies, is awarded to any full-time student who is studying in a medical field. To qualify, the student must be in a two-year or four-year program at a United States school. Applicants must be US residents, and an essay of 500 words must be submitted. The essay must center on the question of ìWhy did you choose your current field of study, and what do you aspire to accomplish in this field?^i There is a great deal of competition for this scholarship, and the application process will take a few hours. The deadline is December 31, and the average amount awarded is $500 to $3,550. In all, three scholarships are awarded to students. You can learn more about this scholarship program here: <a href="http://www.usmedicalsupplies.com/scholarship/" target="_blank">Medical Professionals of Tomorrow Scholarship Link</a> <h3>10. Greta James Memorial Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is awarded to anyone attending a nursing school. Applicants must answer two questions in a 250-word essay. 1) What made you decide to go into the field of nursing? 2) What makes you a qualified candidate to receive this scholarship? Applicants are determined by an online voting system. The process to finish the application is short, and there are a high number of people who apply. The deadline is December 31, and the average amount awarded is $2,500. There are two scholarships awarded per year. For more information on this scholarship, visit: <a href="http://www.scrubshopper.com/page/ua-greta-james-memorial-scholarship.html//" target="_blank">Greta James Memorial Scholarship Link</a> <h3>11. BestNursingDegree.com ìBack to School^i Nursing Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is for US citizens or legal residents who are pre-professional and have no employment history as a nurse yet, and those who are professional and have a degree in nursing, while holding an RN license. The application process involves writing an essay on a topic assigned. The amount of people who apply for this is average. The deadline is April 15, and the average award is $2,500. In all, three grants are provided to students. To learn more about this program, visit: <a href="http://www.bestnursingdegree.com/scholarship/" target="_blank">BestNursingDegree.com Back to School Nursing Scholarship Link</a> <h3>12. Cappex Nursing Majors Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is for students who are majoring in, or intending to major in, nursing. Scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership, volunteer activities and extracurricular activities. This scholarship application does not take very long, it does not have many applicants and the deadline is December 31. Only one scholarship is awarded and the award size is $1,000. You can learn more about this scholarship by visiting: <a href="http://www.cappex.com/scholarship/listings/Cappex-Nursing-Majors-Scholarship/-s-d-40527" target=_blank">Cappex Nursing Majors Scholarship Link</a> <h3>13. Caroline E. Holt Nursing Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is given to students who have been accepted, or have enrolled in, a school of nursing. To qualify, applicants must demonstrate that they have a financial need. The process can take a couple of hours for the application, and there are a large number of people who apply for this program scholarship. The deadline is February 15, and the average amount awarded is $1,000. <a href="https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarships-by-major/nursing-scholarships/caroline-e-holt-nursing-scholarship/" target=_blank">Caroline E. Holt Nursing Scholarship Link</a> <h3>14. Franklin D. Boyce Annual Health Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is for students within the geographical area of Hopewell, Prince George and Petersburg. Created to promote health occupations, the award is $2,500, and can be renewed for three additional consecutive years. Applications must be completed by Feb. 17. Learn more by visiting here: <a href="http://www.johnrandolphfoundation.org/Scholarships/Boyce.pdf" target=_blank">Franklin D. Boyce Annual Health Scholarship Link</a> <h3>15. CertifiedBackground.com-AACN Scholarship</h3> This scholarship provides two $5,000 scholarships that are distributed to top applicants four times per year. In order to qualify, students must have a 3.2 grade point average in their current program, or in the last school that they attended. There is a high volume of applicants for this scholarship. To learn more, visit: <a href="http://www.aacn.nche.edu/students/scholarships.pdf" target=_blank">CertifiedBackground.com-AACN Scholarship Link</a> <h3>16. The Hurst AACN Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is given to individuals who are pursuing a career in nursing, through a nursing degree. Two scholarships are awarded each year, amounting to $2,500. Deadlines are Jan. 15 and July 15. You can learn more about this scholarship at: <a href="http://www.hurstreview.com/AACN/" target=_blank">The Hurst AACN Scholarship Link</a> <h3>17. AfterCollege/AACN Scholarship Fund</h3> This fund supports students who are seeking a baccalaureate, masters or doctoral degree in nursing. Consideration is given to students who are in a graduate program in order to become a nurse educator. One scholarship of $2,500 is awarded each quarter. Deadlines are March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31. You can learn more about this scholarship at: <a href="http://www.aftercollege.com/content/article/aftercollege_aacn_scholarship/" target=_blank">AfterCollege/AACN Scholarship Fund Link</a> <h3>18. Josh Gottheil Memorial Scholarship for Bone Marrow Transplant Career Development</h3> This scholarship is for a registered nurse working in bone marrow transplantation, in order to allow them to continue their education. Applicants must be employed as a registered nurse and spend 75 per cent of their time devoted to patient care, or in the position of nurse manager. There is no essay required for this position, and the number of awards varies by year. Given out every year, the award amounts to $2,000. The application deadline for this is June 15. You can learn more about this at: <a href="http://www.onsfoundation.org/apply/ed/Gottheil" target=_blank">Josh Gottheil Memorial Scholarship for Bone Marrow Transplant Career Development Link</a> <h3>19. Sandy Purl Mentorship Scholarship</h3> Created to honour the memory of Sandy Purl, who was a role model for oncology nurses, this scholarship is meant to help recognize a nurse who demonstrates passion in oncology nursing. In order to qualify, a candidate must be a current Oncology Nursing Society member, supported by a Leader Sponsor. The award amount for this is $1,000, given out annually. The application deadline is May 15. You can learn more about this scholarship at: <a href="http://www.onsfoundation.org/apply/ld/SandyPurl" target=_blank">Sandy Purl Mentorship Scholarship Link</a> <h3>20. Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation Grant</h3> The purpose of this grant is to encourage research within rehabilitation nursing. In order to qualify, an applicant must be a registered nurse in rehabilitation, must have the ability to complete a project within two years of funding and must have a Masterís Degree in Nursing. The award amount is $4,500 and it is given out every year. The deadline is March 1. For more information about this scholarship, visit: <a href="http://www.anfonline.org/MainCategory/NursingResearchGrant.aspx" target=_blank">Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation Grant Scholarship Link</a> <h3>21. Donald E. Pizzini Memorial Nurse Scholarship Program</h3> This program exists to support individuals in their nursing career, or to advance their nursing career, with an emphasis on long-term care. Individuals who are working in, or want to work in, long-term care will have preference. In order to qualify, applicants must be pursuing a degree in nursing, have a GPA of 3.0, be a legal resident, or citizen of the United States. The award amount is $1,000 and the number of awards varies from year to year. The deadline for this is February 28. You can learn more about this scholarship at: <a href="http://www.nvo.com/mhca/nss-folder/publicfolder/2014scholarshipapplicationSHORTFORM.pdf" target=_blank">Donald E. Pizzini Memorial Nurse Scholarship Program Link</a> <h3>22. Mildred Nutting Nursing Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is given to students who have been accepted in, or who are enrolled, in a school of nursing somewhere in the United States. There is no essay required for this application, and the award is $1,000. One award is given out each year, and the application deadline is February 15. While anyone can apply for this scholarship, it should be noted that candidates within the greater Lowell, MA area do get preference. You can learn more about this scholarship by visiting: <a href="http://www.dar.org/natsociety/edout_scholar.cfm" target=_blank">Mildred Nutting Nursing Scholarship Link</a> <h3>23. Ann Olson Memorial Doctoral Scholarship</h3> This scholarship exists to provide the opportunity to registered nurses who are interested in oncology, or interested in pursuing a doctoral degree or clinical doctoral degree in oncology. There is no essay required for this, and there is only one award given out per year. The award amount varies from $3,000 to $5,000. The deadline for this scholarship is February 1. In order to qualify, one must be in a doctoral program. To learn more about this scholarship, you can visit: <a href="http://www.discovernursing.com/scholarship/ann-olson-memorial-doctoral-scholarship#.U0NAtqhdVac" target="_blank">Ann Olson Memorial Doctoral Scholarship Link</a> <h3>24. FNSNA Breaththrough to Nursing Scholarships for Racial/Ethnic Minorities</h3> This scholarship is for minority students who are enrolled either in nursing programs or pre-nursing programs. The applicant must be American/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, African American, or Hispanic to qualify, and they must be in a nursing program at a college or university. The number of awards will vary from year to year, but the average amount provided varies between $1,000 and $2,000. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is January 14. To learn more about the program, you can visit: <a href="http://www.nursingexplorer.com/scholarships/fnsna-breakthrough-to-nursing-scholarships-for-racial-ethnic-minorities" target="_blank">FNSNA Breaththrough to Nursing Scholarships for Racial/Ethnic Minorities Link</a> <h3>25. FNSNA General Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is for student who have an alien registration number and are enrolled in a nursing or pre-nursing program including an associateís degree, baccalaureate, generic doctorate or generic masterís. Funds are not provided for graduate study unless it is for a first degree in nursing. This program is not open to high school seniors, even if they are pursuing a career within nursing. The number of awards varies greatly, but the total amount provided through the scholarship program is $125,000. There is no essay required, and the application deadline is January 14. If you would like to learn more about this program, you can visit: <a href="http://www.nsna.org/foundationscholarships.aspx" target="_blank">FNSNA General Scholarship Link</a> <h3>26. FNSNA Speciality Scholarships</h3> This scholarship is similar to the general scholarship and it is provided to students who are pursuing an interest in the field of nursing. Those who apply to this program must be going into a nursing program that is accredited. No essay is required for this and it is sponsored by the Foundation of the National Student Nursesí Association. In total, $125,000 is provided in the and the total amount of scholarships awarded varies depending on the year. The application deadline for this scholarship is January 14. For more information, visit: <a href="http://www.nursingexplorer.com/scholarships/fnsna-specialty-scholarships" target="_blank">FNSNA Speciality Scholarships Link</a> <h3>27. Foundation of the National Student Nursesí Association Undergraduate Scholarship Program</h3> This scholarship is provided to any student who is a US citizen, or who has an Alien Registration number. They need to be enrolled in a nursing or pre-nursing program, on their way to a degree, including an associates, generic doctorate or generic masterís program. In total, $125,000 is provided and the number of scholarships varies depending on the year. There is no essay required for this program scholarship and the deadline is January 14. To learn more, you can visit here: <a href="http://www.nursingexplorer.com/scholarships/foundation-of-the-national-student-nurses-association-undergraduate-scholarship-program" target="_blank">Foundation of the National Student Nursesí Association Undergraduate Scholarship Program Link</a> <h3>28. Nursing Scholastic Achievement Scholarship</h3> Sponsored by Bethseda Lutheran Homes and Services Inc., this grant is awarded to 1-2 students in an average amount of $1,500. The applicant of this scholarship must be an active member of the Lutheran Church, have a 3.0 GPA, have completed 100 hours with people who have developmental disabilities, and letters of recommendation. <a href="http://www.campusexplorer.com/scholarships/Nursing-Scholastic-Achievement-Scholarship/" target="_blank">Nursing Scholastic Achievement ScholarshipLink</a> <h3>29. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing Scholarship Program</h3> This scholarship is a memorial to Robert Wood Johnson and its aim is to ease the nursing shortage in the United States by attracting new students into the nursing field, while also enhancing efforts to recruit students from minority groups. This funding also comes with support for students as they transition into their new lives in the study of nursing. In total, five scholarships are provided, each totalling $10,000. In order to qualify, a nursing student must be underrepresented in terms of ethnicity, gender and/or their financial need. Applications must be submitted by December 21, and the winner is announced on May 1. No essay is required for this scholarship. If you would like to know more, you can visit: <a href="http://www.rwjf.org/en/grants/calls-for-proposals/2013/new-careers-in-nursing.html" target="_blank">Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing Scholarship Program Link</a> <h3>30. Most Valuable Student Competition</h3> This scholarship, provided through the Elks National Foundation, is not limited to nursing, but anyone going into college can apply for it. The amount of money awarded can pay for a significant portion of your schooling. There are 500 total scholarships awarded, totalling $2.44 million. In all, there are 20 main finalists who will compete for two first place awards of $50,000 each, two second-place awards of $40,000 each and two third-place awards of $30,000 each. The remaining 14 finalists will receive $20,000 each. The rest of the 480 runner-ups will receive $4,000. There is no essay required and the only requirement is that you are going into post-secondary schooling. The deadline for this scholarship is December 6. To learn more, you can visit: <a href="http://www.elks.org/enf/scholars/mvs.cfm" target="_blank"> Most Valuable Student Competition Link</a> <h3>31. Sigma Theta Tau International Small Grants</h3> This scholarship, administered by Sigma Theta Tau International, has the purpose of encouraging nurses to contribute to the advancement of nursing through research. Funds are allocated based on the future promise of the applicant for the nursing field, their applicantís research budget and the quality of their proposed research. While it is not required, preference is given to Sigma Theta Tau members. In order to be eligible, the applicant must be a registered nurse, have a masterís or doctoral degree, or be enrolled in a doctoral program. They must submit their research application package and a signed research agreement. They must be able to implement their research project as soon as they receive funding, and they must have the project completed within one year. The total amount awarded is $5,000 and it is given to 10 to 15 different applicants. No essay is required, but the deadline is December 1. To learn more about this scholarship application, visit: <a href="http://www.nursingsociety.org/Research/Grants/Pages/small_grants.aspx" target="_blank"> Sigma Theta Tau International Small Grants Link</a> <h3>32. Virginia Henderson Clinical Research Grant</h3> This scholarship is provided for the purpose of encouraging research career development in nursing through clinically-oriented research. Funds are allocated based on the research projectís quality and the future potential of the applicant. The award is given out on a biannual basis, with a one-time $5,000 grant provided. Funds are provided through the Virginia Henderson Clinical Research Endowment Fund. In order to qualify, applicants must be a registered nurse, be undergoing or have completed a doctoral program, and must be willing to implement their research project immediately. In addition, the project must be finished within one year and the applicant is generally preferred to be a member of Sigma Theta Tau International. The deadline for this scholarship is December 1. To learn more about this scholarship, you can visit: <a href="http://www.nursingsociety.org/Research/Grants/Pages/grant_VHL.aspx" target="_blank"> Virginia Henderson Clinical Research Grant Link</a> <h3>33. Coursey Enterprises Student Scholarships</h3> This scholarship is for first year nurses who want to continue to pursue their career in nursing. The scholarship is awarded on a biannual basis, and the number of scholarships vary, as does the total amount allocated. In order to qualify, an applicant must be a US citizen and must submit their school name and graduation date. In addition, they need to submit a 200 word essay on the subject of why they want to be a nurse. In total, $250 is provided both in the fall, and in the spring. Deadline for enrollment in this scholarship program is December 1 and May 1. For more information, you can visit: <a href="http://www.courseyenterprises.com/scholarships.php" target="_blank"> Coursey Enterprises Student Scholarships Link</a> <h3>34. Congress Scholarships</h3> Sponsored by the ONS Foundation, the purpose of this scholarship is to support a registered nurse who is interested in cancer care by developing their knowledge and sharing that new knowledge with others. The amount of awards varies each year, but each award is worth $1,200. The application deadline for this is December 1. For more information on this scholarship, you can visit: <a href="http://www.onsfoundation.org/apply/ed/Congress" target="_blank"> Congress Scholarships Link</a> <h3>35. American Cancer Society Doctoral Degree Scholarships in Cancer Nursing</h3> This scholarship is meant to provide support of one to four years for a student in a graduate program leading to a doctoral degree. The initial application is for a two-year grant and can be renewed for an additional two years. In all, $15,000 is provided to a varied number of applicants throughout the year. The application deadline for this scholarship is October 15. In order to qualify, the student must be working towards a doctoral degree and be in an accredited university. For more information on this scholarship, visit: <a href="http://www.cancer.org/research/researchprogramsfunding/doctoral-degree-scholarships-in-cancer-nursing" target="_blank"> American Cancer Society Doctoral Degree Scholarships in Cancer Nursing Link</a> <h3>36. ANNA Career Mobility Scholarships</h3> Sponsored by the American Nephrology Nursesí Association, this scholarship is awarded to ANNA members who are pursuing an advanced degree in nursing. In order to qualify, the applicant must have been a member for two years, be involved in nephrology nursing, be in a higher degree program in nursing and hold a Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission. An essay is also required with the application. There are five awards given out each year, each worth $5,000. The application deadline is October 15. For more information on this scholarship, you can visit: <a href="https://www.annanurse.org/professional-development/grants-and-awards/career-mobility-scholarships" target="_blank"> ANNA Career Mobility Scholarships Link</a> <h3>37. ENA Foundation and ANIA Research Grant</h3> This scholarship provides funding for research that will advance the practice of emergency nursing and nursing informatics and technology within emergency care. Priority is given to research studies that relate to Emergency Nurses Association research initiatives. The number of awards handed out varies, with each award worth $6,000. The application deadline is October 1. For more information related to this scholarship, visit: <a href="https://www.ena.org/foundation/grants/Pages/Research.aspx" target="_blank"> ENA Foundation and ANIA Research Grant Link</a> <h3>38. Bachelor of Science Nursing Loan Repayment</h3> In order to help repay a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing, the Health Professions Education Foundation provides this scholarship to anyone who is a licensed registered nurse, who is free of any service obligation and who is willing to work in a medically underserved area for two years. The award winner can receive up to $8,000 and can be awarded the scholarship again, after the two year period, with an additional $11,000. The application deadline for this scholarship is October 1. For more information related to this scholarship, you can visit: <a href="http://www.oshpd.ca.gov/HPEF/BSNLRP.html" target="_blank"> Bachelor of Science Nursing Loan Repayment Link</a> <h3>39. Health Professions Education Scholarship Program</h3> This program is provided to anyone who is enrolled in the health profession, graduated after January 31, 2014 and who can work in an underserved area in terms of medical care for two years. The amount of awards provided each year varies, but the total loan amount given to each applicant who earns the scholarship is $10,000. The deadline for this scholarship is October 1. For more information related to this scholarship, visit: <a href="http://www.oshpd.ca.gov/HPEF/Applications.html" target="_blank"> Bachelor of Science Nursing Loan RepayHealth Professions Education Scholarship Program Link</a> <h3>40. Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Nursing</h3> This scholarship program provides up to $3,000 per semester for senior nursing students within a Bachelor of Science in nursing program. They must make the commitment to work at the Mount Sinai Hospital every semester that monies are awarded. Applicants must also pass NCLEX licensing examination within two attempts. The amount of awards given varies, but each award is worth $3,000. In addition, students must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher. The application deadline for this scholarship is October 1. For more information, visit: <a href="http://www.mountsinai.org/for-medical-professionals/nursing/education/bachelor-of-science-in-nursing-student-fellowship" target="_blank"> Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Nursing Scholarship Link</a> <h3>41. Oncology Nursing Society Foundation Grant</h3> This grant has the purpose of stimulating clinically related oncology nursing research. In order to qualify, an applicant must be a registered nurse involved in cancer patient care, research, or education. They must also have a masterís degree in nursing. There is only one award given out each year, but it is worth $25,000. There is no essay required for this scholarship, but the deadline is September 15. For more information about this scholarship, visit: <a href="http://www.nursingexplorer.com/scholarships/oncology-nursing-society-foundation-grant" target="_blank"> Oncology Nursing Society Foundation Grant Link</a> <h3>42. Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is sponsored by B4 Brands and is awarded each year to five non-traditional, full-time students who are earning an undergraduate degree in nursing. All scholarships will receive $1,000, payable to the institution that they have enrolled in. There is an essay required for this scholarship. The term non-traditional includes anyone who had to postpone their pursuit of college after high school, or had their college career interrupted. The cause for delay could be due to a number of reasons including entering the workforce, helping family, or joining the military. The application deadline is August 31 and the winner is announced one month later. To learn more about this scholarship, you can visit: <a href="https://www.b4brands.com/nursing-scholarship/" target="_blank"> Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship Link</a> <h3>43. Gannett Healthcare Group Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is provided by the National Black Nurses Association. Applicants must be members of the organization and must be enrolled within a nursing program of some sort. An essay is required and all applicants must be African American. The amount awarded varies, as do the number of applications given out each year. The application deadline is August 15. For more information about this scholarship, visit: <a href="http://www.schoolsoup.com/scholarship-directory/state/NBNA-Gannett-Healthcare-Group-Scholarship-253071/" target="_blank"> Gannett Healthcare Group Scholarship Link</a> <h3>44. Indian Health Service Health Professions Scholarship Program</h3> This program scholarship, provided by the Indian Health Service, is given out to cover the costs of books, transportation, board and tuition, to any individual of a recognized Indian tribe, including Eskimo and Alaskan Native. Priority is given to graduate students and junior or senior level students looking to get into the health profession. No essay is required, but the student must have a GPA of over 2.0. The amount provided varies by the year, as does the number of awards handed out. The application deadline for this program is August 14. For more information about this scholarship, visit: <a href="http://www.ihs.gov/scholarship/" target="_blank"> Indian Health Service Health Professions Scholarship Program Link</a> <h3>45. Lydiaís Professional Uniforms/AACN Excellence in Academics Nursing Scholarship</h3> This scholarship provides funds to nursing students in their junior year of a Bachelor of Science in nursing program. In total, two scholarships in the amount of $2,500 are provided each year during the fall and spring semesters. There is an essay required of applicants and they must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The fall deadline is August 1 and the spring deadline is November 1. For more information, visit: <a href="http://www.nursingexplorer.com/scholarships/lydias-professional-uniforms-aacn-excellence-in-academics-nursing-scholarship" target="_blank"> Lydiaís Professional Uniforms/AACN Excellence in Academics Nursing Scholarship Link</a> <h3>46. American College of Nurse Practitioners Nurse Practitioner Student Scholarship Award</h3> This award is given out to anyone who is a member of the American College of Nurse Practitioners, who is enrolled in a nursing program, who has two letters of support from professional colleagues and has a GPA of 3.4 or higher. They also have to participate in the organization and promote the role of the nurse practitioner through a research project. In addition, they need to participate in making organization activities in their area and participate in community service. The number of awards varies, but the award amount is $1,000. In addition, the recipient receives a one year membership to the American College of Nurse Practitioners, and a complimentary registration to the Clinical Conference. They also receive a maximum of $750 to defer travel and lodging costs related to this. The application deadline is July 10 and the winner is announced three weeks later. No essay is required for this scholarship. To learn more, you can visit: <a href="http://www.discovernursing.com/scholarship/american-college-nurse-practitioners-nurse-practitioner-student-scholarship-award#.U0NJ8KhdVac" target="_blank"> American College of Nurse Practitioners Nurse Practitioner Student Scholarship Award Link</a> <h3>47. Morgan-Sanders Endowed Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is awarded to registered nurses who are enrolled in a Bachelor program, or graduate students studying nursing administration, adult education programs on a masterís level or nursing education. Doctoral students can also apply for this scholarship. There is no essay required, but students must have a GPA of 3.0 or over. The amount of awards varies by the year, but each award is worth $500. The application deadline is June 30. The Kansas State Nurses Association sponsors this award. To learn more, you can visit: <a href="http://www.scholarshipexperts.com/scholarships/all/morgan-sanders-endowed-scholarship/2422#.U0NKhahdVac" target="_blank"> Morgan-Sanders Endowed Scholarship Link</a> <h3>48. Elaine Gelman Scholarship</h3> Established in 2002, this scholarship is administered by the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Foundation in honor of a Ms. Gelman. She exemplified, during her long nursing career, clinical competency and political activism. As a result, the scholarship honors applicants who demonstrate clinical competency, political activism and academic achievement. Preference is given to students in Pediatric Nurse Practitioners programs, or who have experience in health policy. In addition, applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The number of awards handed out varies by the year, but each award is worth $1,000. The application deadline is June 30. To learn more about this program scholarship, you can visit: <a href="http://higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com/NAPNAP/41459091-f074-49ae-a6a4-bc26eec2ea1d/UploadedImages/GRANTS%20&%20SCHOLARSHIPS/Gelman%20Scholarship%20Criteria.pdf" target="_blank"> Elaine Gelman Scholarship Link</a> <h3>49. Florence Young Memorial Graduate Scholarship</h3> This scholarship, provided by the Association on American Indian Affairs, is meant to help graduate students pursue a masterís degree program in a number of fields, including public health. The scholarship allows students to apply on a yearly basis. The number of awards handed out each year will vary, but each award is worth $1,500. An essay is required and only minorities can apply, with special consideration for American Indian or Alaskan Native students. The application deadline is June 6. For more information about this scholarship program, you can visit: <a href="http://www.indian-affairs.org/scholarships/florence_young.htm" target="_blank"> Florence Young Memorial Graduate Scholarship Link</a> <h3>50. Charles Kunz Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship</h3> This scholarship is awarded to a nurse who is pursuing a baccalaureate degree in nursing. Since the scholarship is sponsored by the Emergency Nurses Association Foundation, applicants must be members of the organization for a minimum of 12 months prior to applying. Only one award is handed out each year and it is worth $3,000. This scholarship application does not require an essay, but the nursing program that the student is enrolled in must be accredited. The application deadline is June 1. For more information on this scholarship, visit: <a href="http://www.nursingexplorer.com/scholarships/charles-kunz-memorial-undergraduate-scholarship" target="_blank"> Charles Kunz Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship Link</a>With the national student debt over one trillion dollars, many students are considering online colleges with high return on investment to avoid graduating under a crushing amount of debt. The online market for higher education has been exploding over the course of the last four years. Major universities have begun to offer programs. Many of these programs are completion programs, perfect for students who decide to earn an associate’s degree at community college, which is a very affordable option. Other more non-traditional students may simply be looking to go back to college, or to find programs that will count some of their life experience as college credits. Whomever you may be, if you are considering higher education, there is a good chance going online will help you save money.

However, not all online programs, or schools that offer them are created equal. That is where this list comes in. Because it’s not just financially important to minimize your debt upon graduation, but much of the reason for attending college is the earning potential of the degree you intend to earn. Some schools have a much higher return on investment than others, thus representing a higher relative value and greater bang for your buck.

In this ranking, we present the 20 highest rated online schools with the highest return on investment. We examined U.S. News and World Reports’s top colleges for an online degree, and selected those with the highest return on investment according to Payscale.com data.

We list this information so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not online education is right for you, where you might study, and what return you might get for the investment of your valuable time and money. Below are links to our primary sources for inclusion and ranking data.

Payscale ROI Rankings
U.S. News Online Bachelor Degree Rankings

#20. Fort Hays State University: Hays, Kansas

Fort Hays State University has implemented a virtual college that features more than 25 undergraduate degrees. The school offers programs in business, education, psychology, management, nursing, political science, philosophy, and much more. If you’re looking for a long list of programs not offered by many of the more limited online selections, this is a great place to look.

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #23
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $277,400

#19. Westfield State University: Westfield, Massachusetts

The accredited online offerings at Westfield State University are all completion programs at the undergraduate level. These are perfect for students looking to build on previous education. Completion programs are well suited to those looking to gain the last few credits needed for their bachelor’s degrees, or those seeking to upgrade their associate’s degree to a full fledged bachelor’s. The programs offered by westfield include some of the most popular majors. Business, psychology, sociology, criminal justice, and sociology are among the selection.

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #4
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $348,400

#18. Ball State University: Muncie, Indiana

Ball State offers online programs in Business Administration, Early Childhood Education, an RN to BSN program, and General Studies which features a wide range of specializations that allow students to tailor the program to their interests and needs. Ball State is a public state university and as such provides online students with the chance to earn their degree at state university pricing, and with the flexibility needed by many non-traditional students with many demands on their time.

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #20
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $385,700

#17. University of La Verne: La Verne, California

The University of La Verne is a private not for profit university associated with the Church of the Brethren. The school offers online programs designed to meet the needs of working adults. The selection of online bachelor’s degree programs consists of a B.A. in Business Administration, B.S. in Organizational Management, and a B.S. in Public Administration. The school has maintained its ties to the Church of the Brethren throughout its 120+ year history, and remains committed to its original goal of providing students with a high quality Christian education. For more of our research on Christian education, see our article about 25 Great Scholarships for Christian Students.

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #13
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $450,800

#16. Post University: Waterbury, Connecticut

Post offers six associate’s degrees and thirty bachelor’s degrees online making it one of the most prolific universities on this list. The majority of bachelor’s degrees are in business, management, and computer information systems, with a wide variety of concentrations and specializations within those majors. There are also programs in sports, psychology, human services, and child studies.

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #19
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $457,900

#15. Graceland University: Lamoni, Iowa, and Independence, Missouri

Graceland offers online bachelor’s programs in nursing and healthcare management. While the selection is not very wide, these programs are a strong choice for working professionals looking to advance in their healthcare career. The quality of the programs is high, which is why the school enjoys a strong ranking by U.S. News despite the lack of variety.

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #5
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $471,400

#14. University of Nebraska-Omaha: Omaha, Nebraska

The University of Nebraska at Omaha offers one online bachelor level degree program, with nearly a dozen concentrations. The concentrations include some that can be found in many online programs such as accounting, criminal justice, and information technology. However, there are other programs anybody would be hard pressed to find online elsewhere like: Aviation Studies, Fire Service Management, Political Science, and Nonprofit Administration.

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #11
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $481,500

#13. Marist College: Poughkeepsie, New York

This small liberal arts college is committed to bringing a strong liberal arts program into the distance learning market. In addition to the BA or BS degree in liberal studies, the school also offers ten week and accelerated courses to help students get electives and core requirements taken care of as quickly and efficiently as possible. The program is geared toward working adults that have a desire for higher education but don’t have the ability to attend a traditional program. This program gives those non traditional students the flexibility they need to earn their degree on their own terms.

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #17
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $524,500

#12. Colorado State University-Global Campus: Fort Collins, Colorado

CSU offers a wide range of degree completion programs into which up to 90 credits may be transferred from previous programs. Programs offered by CSU tend toward business with programs in accounting, and marketing. Also offered are programs in health care administration and management, project management, communications, and information technology. These programs are some of the best to be found in the online market, and because they are offered by a public university, the cost is much less than many private universities, and there are numerous financial aid options, thus making this one of the most affordable online colleges.niversity Website

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #7
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $596,100

#11. University of Bridgeport: Bridgeport, Connecticut

The online program in general studies at the University of Bridgeport gives students a chance to exercise a great deal of control over what they study to complete their bachelor’s degree. This is great for self motivated students that are seeking to study in a specific area, but don’t want to be tied down by an inflexible course load. The school is also one of the only schools offering an undergraduate dental hygienist program online.

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #12
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $633,400

#10. University of St. Francis: Joliet, Illinois

The University of St. Francis is a Roman Catholic school in the Franciscan tradition. The school offers undergraduate programs geared toward non-traditional students that can best make use of the flexibility offered by online programs. The school offers an RN to BSN program, and programs in Healthcare Leadership, and Business administration. The Business Administration program has several different tracks from which students may choose including entrepreneurship, marketing, and managing human resources.

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #28
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $676,500

#9. University of Illinois-Chicago: Chicago, Illinois

The University of Illinois offers online programs from three of its major campuses. Chicago is the most highly rated for online programs but the others are strong as well. Two bachelor’s programs are offered through Chicago; these are the RN to BSN program for registered nurses looking to earn their bachelor’s degree, and a degree in Health Information Management. Some of the programs offered by the other campuses are philosophy, computer science, and mathematics.

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #18
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $717,700

#8. University of Florida: Gainesville, Florida

The University of Florida offers both four year online bachelor’s degree programs and completion programs. The four year degrees offered are Business Administration, Biology, Criminology and Law, and Psychology, among others. Completion programs are offered in Microbiology and Cell Science, Digital Arts and Sciences, Fire and Emergency Services, and Communication Sciences and Disorders. UF is one of the best public universities in the United States and with these quality online programs, should be highly considered by anybody looking for a cheap online degree program. UF is also one of the few universities that offers four year degrees online.

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #34
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $729,400

#7. Norwich University: Northfield, Vermont

Norwich University has an entire school of graduate and continuing studies. The majority of programs offered online are graduate programs. However, Norwich offers a top level criminal justice undergraduate program, and is one of few schools where students can earn a Bachelor of Science in Strategic Studies and Defense Analysis. The bachelor level offerings may seem a bit on the narrow side, but they are of the highest quality and simply must be considered by anybody to whom these programs might appeal.

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #26
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $746,000

#6. St. John’s University: Queens, New York

St. John’s University offers three programs at each of the Associate’s and Bachelor’s degree levels. The associate’s degrees are in Liberal Arts, Business, and Criminal Justice, and the Bachelor’s degrees are in Liberal Studies, Administrative Studies, and Criminal Justice. St. John’s University is committed to providing high quality, flexible, accredited online degrees to non-traditional students.

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #3
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $758,000

#5. Pennsylvania State University-World Campus: State College: Pennsylvania

Penn State’s World Campus is one of the most extensive online programs in the world. The school offers five online associate’s degrees, and twenty distinct bachelor’s programs. Penn State is one of the only online schools offering programs in economics, security and risk analysis, and energy and and sustainability policy. Penn State has been offering distance learning options for a long time and was one of the first schools to offer an online program. The school brings its world renowned reputation for excellence in education to the online market, and shows only signs of its intent to continue growing its already extensive list of programs.

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #16
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $789,300

#4. Pace University: New York City, New York

Pace offers courses both fully online and in a blended hybrid format. Pace offers courses for traditional students but also offers a selection of courses for older students. The classes targeted at older students allow them to gain credit for job and life experience. Older students can get a bachelor of liberal studies or a bachelor of business administration in business studies. The online programs for traditional students include an RN to BSN program for registered nurses, a B.S. in Professional Communication Studies, and a B.B.A. in Business Studies.

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #1
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $822,000

#3. George Washington University: Washington, D.C.

George Washington University offers a wide range of fully online courses and programs. They’re still streamlining the way in which these courses are offered, but students willing to do a little research will have an opportunity to study online at this highly respected institution of higher learning.

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #35
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $852,200

#2. University of Alabama-Huntsville: Huntsville, Alabama

The University of Alabama offers many online programs, though only one of those programs is undergraduate. The main reason the school was worth mentioning, despite only offering one bachelor level program online, is that it is one of the only RN to BSN/MSN program available. The program stands out because it is designed to provide students with a seamless transition from the BSN program into the MSN program. This is increasingly important to nurses, as both the BSN and MSN programs allow students the chance to specialize, which is the most important thing aside from experience in the nursing field.

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #21
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $903,500

#1. Lawrence Technological University: Southfield, Michigan

LTU offers high quality programs, though not a large selection at the undergraduate level. The two undergraduate degrees the school does offer however are popular ones–Business Administration, and Information Technology. These are completion programs and are perfect for students seeking to finish up their bachelor’s, and students seeking a program to which they can transfer the credits from their associate’s degree. The programs are designed for flexibility, recognizing that many of the students will be working professionals, seeking a program with the online format to maximize their time and work around their busy schedules.

Online University Website

U.S. News and World Report Online Bachelor Ranking: #6
Payscale 30 Year Average Net ROI: $933,300

Making a decision about where to earn a college degree is not something to be taken lightly. This list of accredited online colleges with high ROI provides a great starting point in your online college search.

To learn about more great online college choices, don’t miss our list of 20 High Patent-Awarded Universities Where You Can Get a Degree Online 2014.

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