5 Popular Degrees for Active Duty Military

Active Duty Military Popular Degree Paths

  • Information Science
  • Engineering
  • Nursing
  • Education
  • Criminal Justice

There are a number of popular degrees for active duty military personnel out there. While those serving truly may take up studying virtually any subject, several particular degrees often catch the interest of this segment of the population. Here are five of the most popular degree paths for active duty right now.

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1. Information Science

Information science is the interdisciplinary science of the use and storage of information. As this science rapidly grows, those educated in it will continue to see increased job demand across the markets. Many in the military already work in information science and related fields, while still many others do not but understand and wish to pursue its value in modern times.

2. Engineering

Engineering is a strong point in the military as it is the science and know-how used to bridge gaps and solve any number of problems. In society outside of the military, this is just as important a discipline. While in times past, engineering was more related to erecting structures and solving geographic problems, today’s field of engineering is exponentially bigger. Included therein are disciplines such as chemical engineering, electrical engineering, nuclear engineering, biomedical engineering, and many others.

3. Nursing

The always-important field of nursing represents yet another very popular degree path for many active duty men and women today. Nursing is a very wide area of work in which the professional nurse helps to care for patients in conjunction with other medical professionals. Highlighted by US News and World Report, so widely utilized is this profession that it can be found in all manner of places, from cruise ships and elementary schools to prisons, hospitals, and travel destinations. There is also a very natural and strong tie between nursing and the armed services throughout history that drives interest and popularity of this educational path to this day.

4. Education

Education degrees are another popular active duty degree and career choice. In addition, for those desiring to work in a specific area of education, the various specialty degrees that are available for any such direction are plentiful. With an education degree, military personnel actively serving become eligible for any number of great opportunities in teaching fellow military members or even their children and families on base. Outside of the military, this already wide field of choice grows even more.

5. Criminal Justice

Finally, the criminal justice degree path continues to be a popular active duty choice year after year. While the connections between this degree and the very essence of armed service run deep, those curious to the opportunities opened within the military upon this degree’s completion will find virtually endless opportunities. Outside of military service, this degree combined with military service all but guarantees job opportunities in police work, the corrections industry, security, the court system, parks and recreation services and organizations, and much more.

Military experience, when paired with a college degree, can provide a nearly unbeatable background and resume for the job applicant. While there are many degree and military position pairings that can lead to this ultimate applicant background, there are a number of degrees more commonly chosen by the military population, often because of their comparative value over other potential degree choices. These five popular degrees for active duty military are among those top choices seen year after year.

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