Great Jobs for MBA GraduatesJobs for MBA Graduates

  • Financial Analyst
  • Management Consultant
  • General Manager
  • Investment Banker
  • Research Analyst

Earning an MBA is a reliable strategy for boosting an individual’s career in almost any field. MBA graduates are certified to have exceptional skills in reasoning, analytics, and the management of people. Students who earn an MBA, therefore, can quickly move up to an important position in almost business or department.

MBA graduates can also qualify to work in highly specialized fields of finance, accounting, management, and information technology. Most importantly, the jobs available to MBA graduates offer rewarding work and exceptional pay.

1. Financial Analyst

The modern information economy requires decision makers to make accurate market value assessments at a faster rate than their competitors. Financial analysts utilize market intelligence to help decision makers determine when to buy and sell financial products. Although many financial analysts formerly had to work on trading floors, most of them now work over the Internet at the headquarters of banks and some of the world’s leading corporations. A career in financial analysis can be challenging at times, but individuals who have what it takes to succeed can earn a lucrative salary and move up the proverbial ladder in any company.

2. Management Consultant

All sustainable businesses are constantly searching for new ways to improve existing processes, and management consultants fill this need by offering decision-making expertise on a particular issue. For example, a business looking to transition its email servers to the cloud might consider hiring a management consultant to select an appropriate supplier. Management consultants often have extensive experience in managing operations within a particular field, such as information technology or manufacturing. Businesses also use management consultants to fill temporary gaps when a key manager takes a leave of absence or to fill management positions for short-term ventures. Individuals who work as management consultants enjoy the flexibility of choosing whether to work independently or through an established management consulting firm.

3. General Manager

MBA graduates make excellent managers in almost any field because they understand how to effectively allocate both financial and human resources to achieve business goals. General managers are often tasked with running daily operations at a particular facility, such as a production plant or office complex. Graduates with a technical background can combine their knowledge sets to specialize in managing the technology side of a particular operation. Individuals with an aptitude for entrepreneurship can often be particularly successful as general managers.

4. Investment Banker

Many ambitious students choose to get their MBA for the purpose of starting a career in investment banking. Financial institutions use investment bankers to assess the market value of other businesses. Investment bankers have a high degree of responsibility within their organizations because their assessments can determine whether a board of directors will increase, hold, or divest shareholdings in a particular enterprise. Large corporations also use investment bankers to determine whether to acquire competitors or other significant assets. Investment bankers often receive a percentage of an acquisition’s value based on their performance, so MBA graduates who work as investment bankers can earn a very high salary for hard work.

5. Research Analyst

Research analysts develop and compile market intelligence to help decision makers. Unlike financial analysts, research analysts often work on finding information to help businesses determine their strategic direction or for assessing the feasibility of a business concept. Many research analysts work within a particular department, such as marketing or engineering, and, therefore, can prosper with an existing background in a specialized field. Some research analysts also specialize in gathering information about new developments, such as natural disasters or industries that emerge overnight, so that decision makers can develop an adaptation strategy to mange change.

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