What is the Distance Education Accrediting Commission

An Accrediting Body That’s Trusted By Students

Much like jobs maintained by employers, colleges must meet different standards for them to be accredited by organizations. Of course, this usually entails certification of some sort with the former. In higher education, accreditation shows that the institution meets the standards that are set forth by the accrediting body. Some commissions are region-based, while others span the entire country.

As these commissions are entirely separate from the colleges they acknowledge, their organizations provide an objective accreditation to schools that’s entirely independent of the institution itself.

The Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) is a nonprofit organization that oversees the accreditation of institutions providing distance learning programs. The accreditation provided by the DEAC encompasses all matters that fall under the realm of distance education. Institutions from secondary school through post-doctoral programs seek the stamp of approval from this esteemed organization. Read on to learn additional information about this commission and the benefits of participating in a program that has received its accreditation.


The DEAC actually began initially in 1926 as an organization known as the National Home Study Council (NHSC). This body was a trade organization that provided oversight to correspondence schools. These were learning opportunities received through written materials sent in the mail, as back then advancements such as the internet and video courses did not exist. The purpose of this agency was to ensure that such programs provided standards of education and that students were protected from fraud. In 1994, the NHSC changed its name to the Distance Education and Training Council, adopting its current title in 2014.

Security and Transparency

accreditation in college

Because of stories you’ve read in the headlines, you may be concerned about the legitimacy and value of some online distance learning programs. That’s understandable, as there have been several institutions outed lately for unethical admissions practices or high-pressure recruitment tactics, along with less than stellar degree programs. The idea of spending money to receive a certification or degree that is worthless to employers can be quite scary.

By contrast, accreditation by DEAC can provide you with peace of mind that your institution of interest is a legitimate one that offers quality programs. No DEAC accredited school or its distance learning department has been cited for inappropriate actions. The Distance Education Accrediting Commission takes great care and pride in evaluating all of its accredited programs thoroughly. They must pass several intensive assessments to receive approval.

High Standards

Because DEAC standards to receive accreditation are so high, you can rest assured you will be receiving a quality learning experience. Programs will offer the kinds of courses they advertise, and you can count on receiving instruction from certified experts in their respective fields. Competent, knowledgeable instructors are a necessary component of a DEAC-approved program. Surveys of past students demonstrate high satisfaction rates concerning the learning experience offered at these institutions.

Quality Degree

An institution that has received approval from this commission is no diploma mill. As survey results and statistics demonstrate, DEAC awarded credentials allow students to gain employment, promotions, and salary increases. Employers look favorably upon degrees from these institutions, as do transfer programs. You can have confidence that courses taken through a distance learning program with these credentials will likely be accepted should you decide to transfer to another school or to pursue advanced educational opportunities.

DEAC Legitimacy

DEAC’s legitimacy is officiated by the Council for Higher Education’s endorsement of the organization. Abbreviated as the CHEA, it also endorses dozens more accreditation organizations. They’re a mix of regional, private, and religious institutions. It’s headquartered in Washington, DC, and has officiated private colleges and universities. Additionally, the US Department of Education also recognizes the DEAC and CHEA. Federal acceptance of DEAC is important, a recognition that has continued since 1959.

So if you are hesitant about pursuing an online or distance education degree, you can rest assured that there are legitimate programs out there. Identifying them is as simple as looking for the Distance Education Accrediting Commission seal of approval when you are researching your educational options.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


1. What kind of instruction does the DEAC offer to students?

With the DEAC, there are two types of instructional processes provided through accredited institutions. One of them is known as Distance Education. It occurs when a student and professor collaborate, work, and make use of communication through the internet to administer coursework and complete studies that are set forth throughout a semester. However, the internet isn’t the only means of communication through Distance Education. Others are audio conferences via phone or through the use of DVDs.

The other process is correspondence education. While identical to distance education by the fact that both occur when teachers and students are separate, they differ through means of administration.

Correspondence takes place through one or more courses with the institution itself providing the materials needed for courses to the student. It’s usually done through email but correspondence by letter class and packages remain the primary means of delivering guides and study materials to students. DEAC has initiatives with both instructional formats.

2. How Does Accreditation Work?

Accreditation works similarly to peer-reviewed studies provided through an academic journal. It ensures that institutions meet the standards set forth by the accrediting organization to give the education that’s needed for any given degree. It guarantees that colleges and universities have the proper organization and services that students need to harbor the knowledge required for their degrees.

On top of this, accreditation confirms that learning institutions offer the appropriate financial services that students need, including financial assistance. Professors are scrutinized in the review process, as are the facilities and appliances used at the institution. Furthermore, colleges and universities with accreditation have their recruiting endeavors assessed. These help students and their parents maintain a trusting relationship with the school, a way for them to show that their integrity is well received by their party accreditors.

3. How Does the DEAC Ensure Standards Are Met Through Accreditation?

Here are the primary methods used by the DEAC:

  • Understanding the goal of the institution – the DEAC scrutinizes the institution’s plans set out for students and the school in general. Knowing what the institution’s objectives help DEAC establish a better understanding of what should be expected from students, parents, and financial bodies providing funds for student’s education there.
  • Program initiatives and plans – A school must have the proper quantity and quality of programs for its student body to learn. This can include programs related to coursework and extracurricular activities for students.
  • Materials used by the institution – Materials come and go as they age. The equipment used by students should conform to DEAC standards. This includes materials used in courses throughout the semester.
  • Student success – The progression of undergraduates and graduates is important to the DEAC and other major accreditors. If students show a persistent drive in advancement from the coursework provided by an institution, the result is high performances from the school overall.
  • Faculty and staff credentials – The DEAC is updated on the standards required by institutions and current qualifications of professors, staff, and other faculty at colleges and universities.
  • Financial stipulations – The tuition guidelines of DEAC accredited institutions should fall within the margin of being transparent and within the quality of the educational standard provided. Everything from textbooks, housing, and the cost of materials is evaluated by the DEAC to make sure costs fall in line with its expectations.

4. Is Accreditation Really Needed for Students?

online accreditation

Accreditation allows people within a learning institution, its staff, parents, and students planning on attending a glimpse into the integrity of the school. It helps them to know that a criterion is met, without having to research all aspects of what a school offers to students and staff.

Without accreditation, there would be no way for parents and prospective attendees to trust the quality of the education that’s claimed to be offered by an institution. It certifies that the school has good teachers, professional staff, and good materials that guarantee that the student’s financial obligations won’t be misused or taken for granted. You must check the accreditation of every institution that you consider attending.

5. What Can Be Done to Check the Status of An Institution’s DEAC Accreditation?

First, you should check with the Council for Higher Education. On their website exists a portal called the Database of Institutions and Programs Accredited by Recognized U.S. Accrediting Organizations. Once there, you can put the name of the college, institution, or university that you wish to check.

Type in the location of the institution. Then under “Accrediting Organization,” scroll down until you see Distance Education Accrediting Commission – DEAC in italic. After that, select the appropriate accrediting organization and click Search. From there, you’ll find links showing the kind of accreditation that’s currently provided to the school and its programs. If no DEAC accreditation exists, other organizations unrelated to DEAC will be listed.

Alternatively, you can visit the Department of Education’s Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs or DAPIP. Its navigational menu is simpler. Just type the name of the institution and click Search. You’ll see tabs showing accreditation provided to the entire institution and its programs.

6. Is CHEA and Deptartment of Education Recognition of DEAC Really Important?

Having both private and governmental recognition of the DEAC leaves no doubt to the institutions that DEAC itself accredited. Both act as a stamp of approval to the DEAC, allowing the private and public sector to trust their accreditation methods and the means used by them to establish assurance with all colleges, universities, and programs that the organization recognizes.

It’s an audit for the auditor, two bodies from different sources tasked with parents and students knowing what to expect from places that have earned their DEAC accreditation.

7. What Is a Diploma Mill and How Can I Avoid Programs and Institutions that Rely on Them?

First, you should know and understand what a diploma mill is.

Simply put, a diploma mill is an institution that provides monetary funds to accrediting organizations. Credentials and given once funds are taken by the organization, which is then touted by the institution or program that relies on this deceptive means of accreditation.

It’s misleading by the fact that accreditation is given by money alone, and not by the quality of the education provided by the institution. Diploma mills can also exist as learning institutions themselves, claiming to provide degrees through payment of funds instead of completion of coursework and exams. These schools offer few if any credentials or accreditation from any reputable accrediting organization and should be avoided.

To tell the difference between an accredited institution and a diploma mill, understand that many of them exist online. Diploma mills typically have accreditation but not through any agency or organization that’s recognized by the CHEA. They may also use terms that hide the fact that they’re unaccredited, unable to point to any specific accrediting agency known by CHEA and shown on their website.

Additionally, many diploma mills have numerous complaints from people that have been deceived by their marketing, thinking they were accredited through a legitimate body. Fake institutions exist in large numbers on the internet, so always do a thorough check from official sources to make sure that the institution is approved by the organizations that matter.

8. Is National Accreditation More Important Than Regional Accreditation?

Although most US learning institutions are regionally accredited, having national accreditation compares institutions country-wide. Credits are accepted by other schools, universities, and programs that are accredited through national agencies. As the DEAC is a national accrediting organization, its advantage lies in institutions that offer both degrees and certifications to its student body. Trade schools are also DEAC-accredited, so long as they meet the standards they require.

DEAC Accreditation for the Integrity that Students Need

Without either regional or national accreditation, it would be impossible for prospective students to find a legitimate college or university that offers the kind of education they need to complete the courses they wish to take. Likewise, getting a degree would be much trickier. Job opportunities would also be limited since employers requiring a degree or certification of skill do thorough background checks before employment is considered for recruits.

Since the DEAC is recognized by both the CHEA and Dept. of Education, the institutions accredited by it are guaranteed to offer a reliable education that employers, teachers, students, and their parents can trust.

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