How Can I Participate in Research Opportunities While Enrolled in Online College

If you are in the process of earning an online degree in psychology or another related field, you may be interested in learning about research opportunities while enrolled in online college.

Many psychology majors who are in the process of earning their Bachelor’s degree have a requirement that they must participate in one or multiple research studies to meet requirements for graduation. These research studies can be centered around several different subjects that are relevant to the field and they can be completed through the department of your school, departments within other accredited universities, and a variety of other domains.

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Unfortunately, if you are enrolled in an online college, finding opportunities may not be as easy, but it is possible. Just because you cannot participate in studies through your own school at a physical location does not mean that you cannot be a participant at all. Read on, and learn what you need to know to participate in research studies when you do not attend a brick and mortar college or university.

Find Out About Research Participant Requirements

Before you begin your search for the right research study to participate in, you should take time to learn about the requirements for your course. You will need research participation credits, and many standard courses require you to complete 2 hours of participation which equates to four 30-minute credits. There are, however, some programs that will offer students who do not want to participate in a study to maintain their privacy alternative options. A common alternative is to allow students the option to attend a research study and follow its procedure without being a subject. The purpose of this is to ensure you understand the research process even when you do not have your data collected.

Find A Local College or University With a Psychology Department

There are local colleges and universities with research departments that are always looking for subjects to participate in their student studies. While students who attend the school will be considered first, they are willing to accept applicants who are not enrolled at the school if you meet the criteria. There may also be studies that can be taken through an online survey, but you may need a student ID for these. This is something you must verify through your school so that you are accepted to the study before the due date of your assignment and so that your credit is applied.

What is the Purpose of Being a Research Participant?

You may be wondering why any instructor would require that you sit through hours of being studied to receive participation credit. There are reasons why many instructors teaching a Bachelor’s of Science required course would set this type of requirement. One important reason is that students will see how psychological discoveries are made during the stages of studies, and another is that you can discover if you would like to be involved in research in the future.


There are many different studies that are being conducted every month of the year. If you have an upcoming deadline, or you simply want to see what being a participant is like, it is important to find studies currently being conducted. Take advantage of the research opportunities while enrolled in online college, and learn about procedures firsthand.

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